Speaker Todd Huston District 37 | Ballotpedia
Speaker Todd Huston District 37 | Ballotpedia
The Indiana House has unanimously passed a bill introduced by State Representative J.D. Prescott, aimed at ensuring property owners are notified of any damage resulting from motor vehicle accidents on their land. The legislation, known as House Bill 1012, mandates that law enforcement agencies inform property owners if an accident results in damage or leaves debris on their property.
Prescott highlighted the importance of this measure for Indiana's large agricultural sector, noting that "nearly two-thirds of Indiana's 23 million acres" consist of farmland. He emphasized the potential for unnoticed debris to cause significant harm: "Debris left from a vehicle accident that goes unnoticed by farmers can cause extensive damage to their land."
Under the proposed law, all law enforcement agencies in Indiana would be required to establish protocols for notifying property owners either via phone or letter when responding to accidents involving property damage. The bill also includes provisions to protect law enforcement agencies from liability if they fail to follow these protocols due to circumstances beyond their control.
For those interested in further details about the legislation or following its progress through committee meetings and sessions, information is available at iga.in.gov.