Speaker Todd Huston District 37 | Ballotpedia
Speaker Todd Huston District 37 | Ballotpedia
Indiana's Community Crossings Matching Grant Program has allocated over $4 million in state funding to local communities for road and bridge projects, according to legislators from Marion County. This initiative is part of a broader effort, with 245 Indiana communities receiving more than $200 million in state matching grants this year.
State Rep. Julie McGuire (R-Indianapolis) expressed satisfaction with the participation of Marion County communities, stating, "I'm pleased to see Marion County communities take advantage of these matching grants to complete essential road and bridge projects." She emphasized the importance of prioritizing infrastructure needs across all government levels.
Indiana was recently acknowledged by Consumer Affairs as having the best overall road conditions in the nation due to low traffic fatality rates and high-quality roads.
Several area grant recipients were highlighted: Beech Grove received $487,810; Cumberland was awarded $559,480; Indianapolis got $1.5 million; Lawrence obtained $1 million; Rocky Ripple secured $50,561; Southport received $556,494; and Wynnedale got $112,825.
State Rep. Andrew Ireland (R-Indianapolis) noted that public works are crucial government services: "Residents expect to be able to travel and reach their destinations safely," he said. The Community Crossings grants have played a significant role in helping Hoosier communities maintain their infrastructure.
According to State Rep. Chris Jeter (R-Fishers), smaller municipalities must provide a 25 percent match in local funds for eligibility, while larger communities need a 50 percent match. He mentioned that since 2016, over $2 billion has been awarded through Community Crossings for local road and bridge improvements.
Jeter added that Indiana continues to make strategic investments in infrastructure projects: "Indiana remains in a strong place financially and continues to help local communities make strategic investments in road and bridge projects."
For more information on grant recipients or details about the program, visit [in.gov/indot/communitycrossings](http://in.gov/indot/communitycrossings).