Speaker Todd Huston District 37 | Ballotpedia
Speaker Todd Huston District 37 | Ballotpedia
Indiana's Community Crossings Matching Grant Program has allocated over $2.1 million to Clinton County for road and bridge projects. State Representatives Mark Genda (R-Frankfort) and Heath VanNatter (R-Kokomo) confirmed the funding, which is part of a broader distribution of more than $200 million in state matching grants to 245 Indiana communities.
The program aims to assist local communities with road reconstruction, bridge preservation, intersection improvements, and other infrastructure projects. "Road updates, maintenance and projects are essential for keeping our roadways safe and functional for Hoosiers," said Genda. "With the help of the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program, our smaller communities can tackle these large, necessary projects."
Consumer Affairs recently ranked Indiana as the top state in the nation for overall road conditions due to its low rate of traffic fatalities and quality roads.
The funding breakdown for Clinton County includes $1.5 million for Clinton County itself, $97,338 for Colfax, $449,068 for Frankfort, and $105,827 for Michigantown.
VanNatter explained that smaller municipalities must provide a 25 percent match in local funds to qualify for funding, while larger communities need a 50 percent match. The state mandates that half of the available matching funds be awarded annually to communities within counties with populations under 50,000. Since its inception in 2016, Community Crossings has granted over $2 billion towards improving local roads and bridges.
"Having strong, sustainable infrastructure is necessary to maintain Indiana’s economy and promote growth," VanNatter stated. "This program helps address our needs and makes communities across the state a better place to call home."
For more information on grant recipients or details about the program, visit in.gov/indot/communitycrossings.