Speaker Todd Huston District 37 | Ballotpedia
Speaker Todd Huston District 37 | Ballotpedia
Agriculture is a significant industry in Indiana, contributing over $35 billion to the state's economy and providing more than 62,000 jobs. However, navigating the complexities of agricultural reports, grants, and regulations can be challenging for those involved in the sector.
A farmer has expressed the difficulty of staying informed about the latest updates in agriculture. "We need to have one spot where farmers, businesses and others in the industry can learn more about policies affecting them as well as available grants," they stated.
In response to this challenge, House Bill 1149 was authored. This bill proposes that the Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) create an online hub. The portal would help Hoosiers access information on federal and state agricultural regulations, funding sources, and provide an updated inventory on lost farmland. It would also allow users to give feedback to ensure its effectiveness.
The Indiana House of Representatives passed this legislation on February 3rd. The bill now moves to the Senate for further consideration. To track its progress through the legislative process, interested parties can visit iga.in.gov.
The author of House Bill 1149 emphasized their commitment to advocating for community needs within House District 16. They encouraged individuals with questions to contact their office via in.gov/h16 or by calling 317-232-9819.