Bishop Chatard High School recently issued the following announcement.
Bishop Chatard celebrates the sanctity of all life during Pro-Life Week 2022.
- Morning announcements + Pro-Life Prayer
- Diaper Drive: In support of young mothers struggling to provide for their newborns, BCHS is collecting disposable diapers, preferable sizes 1, 4, and 5, but all diapers will be gladly accepted. Collections will go to the Women’s Care Center. Please bring your donations to the Campus Ministry Office.
A signed permission form is required to attend this event.
NOTE: All attending need to bring their own lunch, as lunch is not provided.
Timeline for the event:
- 9:15 a.m. – Leave school
- 10:30am — Mass at St. John the Evangelist downtown
- 12:00pm – March to the Capitol
- 12:45pm – Rally
- 2:45 p.m. – Return to school
- Pro-Life Apologetics Training: 3:15 – 5:15 p.m.: in the Kyle Guyton Theatre. Needing help in discussing pro-life issues with family or friends? This seminar is for you! Open to all students. Just stop by!
- 7:00 p.m.: Movie Night sponsored by the Black Student Union in the Kyle Guyton Theater:
“Just Mercy”, a film dealing with the death penalty, racism, and mass incarceration. (The film is rated PG-13.)
Discussion, Snacks, and Drinks
- Speaker (Mary Carmen Zakrajsek)
- Pro-Life tri-folds at lunch with students leading conversations
- Pro-Life tri-folds at lunch with students leading conversations
Original source can be found here.