Speaker Todd Huston District 37 | Ballotpedia
Speaker Todd Huston District 37 | Ballotpedia
Indiana's Community Crossings Matching Grant Program has allocated over $2.2 million in state funding to local communities for road and bridge projects, according to Washington County legislators. This initiative supports road reconstruction, bridge preservation, intersection improvements, and other infrastructure projects. In 2025, 245 Indiana communities will benefit from more than $200 million in state matching grants.
State Rep. Karen Engleman (R-Georgetown) emphasized the collaboration between state and local governments: "The Community Crossings Matching Grant Program is a tremendous partnership between state and local government. This funding helps local communities move forward faster on needed upgrades to ensure the safety of our infrastructure."
Consumer Affairs recently ranked Indiana as the top state for overall road conditions, highlighting its low traffic fatality rate and high-quality roads.
Local grant recipients include Campbellsburg with $440,777, Salem receiving $194,595, Saltillo awarded $146,403, and Washington County granted $1.5 million.
State Rep. Jim Lucas (R-Seymour) noted the benefits for both residents and businesses: "Not only do these grants help everyday Hoosiers, but our local and statewide businesses as well. By having efficient roads, deliveries and shipments can make it on time and Indiana businesses can continue to thrive."
To qualify for funding under this program, smaller municipalities must provide a 25 percent match in local funds while larger communities are required to match 50 percent. The program mandates that half of the available matching funds be distributed annually to communities within counties with populations of 50,000 or less. Since its inception in 2016, Community Crossings has awarded over $2 billion for local road and bridge improvements.
State Rep. Chris May (R-Bedford) highlighted the importance of these investments: "This funding will go a long way in maintaining the roads and bridges in our communities. Upgrades to critical infrastructure are essential to keeping drivers safe and the local economy prospering."
For more information about the program or to view a full list of grant recipients, visit in.gov/indot/communitycrossings.