André Carson tweeted the following:
"Families used the expanded Child Tax Credit in 2021 to pay for expenses like food, childcare, rent, and mortgage and it cut child poverty by more than 40%. We must expand the Child Tax Credit for 2023."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from André Carson:
"I joined my colleagues in July pressing for Brittney Griners release. This week, I am so glad to see her released from Russian custody. Thank you @POTUS and @SecretaryofState for your tireless work.Brittney, I know your wife and family will be very relieved to have you home." on Dec. 9Read on Twitter
"Thanks to the advocacy of Tia Coleman, who survived the 2018 incident, countless lives will be saved. I want to thank Tia for her tireless advocacy. This multi-year work is dedicated to the Coleman family and all whose lives have been tragically lost in duck boat accidents." on Dec. 8Read on Twitter
"The National Transportation Safety Board made recommendations 20 years ago for safety measures that could have prevented an incident like this from occurring. Sadly, those recommendations were not implemented until now." on Dec. 8Read on Twitter