"Today, I proudly cosponsored the Stop Profits for Putin resolution with @RepAndyLevin, @USRepKeating, and @RepBrianFitz. This legislation urges responsible companies to exit Russian markets so they don't contribute to Putin's ability to wage war in Ukraine. #StopProfitsForPutin"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from André Carson:
"Much of this money comes from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which I proudly supported."Read on Twitter
"Expanding our mass transit is vital to improving our state. That's why I'm excited that in fiscal year 2022, Indiana will receive nearly $129 million in federal funds for transit, including $25 million for Indianapolis."Read on Twitter
"Today in @TransportDems the @NTSB Chair, @JenniferHomendy, acknowledged the importance of my Duck Boat Safety Improvement requirements, which would finally implement life-saving recommendations NTSB made in 1999."Read on Twitter