Speaker Todd Huston District 37 | Official U.S. House headshot
Speaker Todd Huston District 37 | Official U.S. House headshot
State Representative Beau Baird from Greencastle has expressed his support for a resolution that calls on the Indiana Department of Transportation to rename a bridge over Big Walnut Creek on U.S. Highway 231. The bridge would be named in honor of former Putnam County Sheriff, Captain James Baugh, who died while on duty.
"I had the privilege of knowing Jim personally and witnessed firsthand his character, leadership and unwavering commitment to the people he swore an oath to protect. He was a dedicated law enforcement officer and an integral part of our community," said Baird. "While we cannot undo the tragedy, what we can do is ensure his name is forever remembered by honoring him with this resolution and renaming a bridge in recognition of his sacrifice and life of service."
In 2004, Capt. Baugh was responding to a minor accident when he lost control of his patrol car on U.S. 231, resulting in an overturn into Big Walnut Creek. He was taken to Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis where he later died from his injuries, just four months before his planned retirement.
Baugh served as a U.S. Air Force veteran during Vietnam before joining the Greencastle Police Department and later transferring to the Putnam County Sheriff's Department. He held various roles there, including serving as sheriff from 1975 to 1982, and reached the rank of captain over his 32-year career in law enforcement.
Previously, Rep. Baird co-authored another resolution in 2021 to honor Capt. Baugh and presented two state flags flown over the Indiana Statehouse to Baugh's family in recognition of his service.
Additionally, U.S. Representative Jim Baird presented two U.S. flags flown over the Capitol in Washington D.C., also honoring Capt. Baugh.
Senate Concurrent Resolution 11 passed unanimously through both the Indiana Senate and House of Representatives. Once approved by the Indiana General Assembly, INDOT can proceed with renaming the bridge.
More information is available at iga.in.gov.