Speaker Todd Huston District 37 | Ballotpedia
Speaker Todd Huston District 37 | Ballotpedia
The Indiana House has unanimously approved legislation aimed at addressing chronic absenteeism among K-12 students in the state. The bill, authored by State Representative Bob Behning of Indianapolis, seeks to implement a less punitive and more supportive approach to this issue.
Behning highlighted the gravity of the situation, noting that about 25% of Hoosier students miss 10% or more of school days each year, classifying them as chronically absent. "Too many Hoosier students continue to miss an unacceptable number of school days, which can lead to a cascade of issues for them later," he stated. "We need to understand the root causes of this problem so that they can get back on track academically and have the opportunity to thrive."
House Bill 1201 proposes several measures to address absenteeism. Schools would be encouraged to focus on intervention and support rather than disciplinary actions like suspension or expulsion. The timeline for schools to meet with affected students and their families would be extended from five to ten school days after a student's fifth absence, allowing for greater flexibility.
Additionally, the bill allows prosecuting attorneys to engage with families and school officials before filing affidavits required by state law. This interaction aims to uncover underlying issues contributing to absenteeism and could involve recommending support services such as mental health or family counseling.
The proposed legislation received backing from various educational organizations including the Indiana State Teachers Association, the American Federation of Teachers of Indiana, the Indiana Association of School Principals, and the Indiana School Boards Association.
Having passed in the House, House Bill 1201 will now move forward for consideration in the Senate. Interested parties can follow live sessions and view legislation details at iga.in.gov.